So we decided to go to the Annual Garden Grove Strawberry Festival. Ever since Anna and I started dating we have gone to the Strawberry Festival almost every year since we've been married. It's kind of a fair/carnival atmosphere, but it's fun to go and hang out. Well this is the first year Johnny could actually go on rides and understand more of what's going on. We also took my nephew Danny with us.
Johnny, Papa and Danny walking to the festival
Johnny and Danny won some "pirate swords" from one of the games there and were playing pirates all day long. There's Anna too, what a hot mama! Here is Johnny on the "Pirate Ride" this is his first ride he has been on all by himself. He loved it.

Here is Danny on a ride flying around laying down.

Here we are at the end of the day in front of a little fountain, it was a long day, but I'm glad Jason was there to endure it with me. I always love hanging out with Jason and Liz, cause Jason and I talk about how awesome the Lakers are and how they are going to win it all, and the girls talk about..... well whatever they talk about. Probably how awesome their husbands are and how studly they are.

bahaha...i'm sure that all anna and liz talk about is what studly men you are!
looks like you guys had fun. we went to a strawberry festival last summer when we were in houston, and it sounds like the exact same thing, and was pretty fun. don't you just love government holidays? they're the best :)
You guys were so good that day, taking the kids on the rides! Thanks for being such great friends. We love spending time with you...good idea on the festival!
Looks like fun! Glad you got to get out and play a little.
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