Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Sponsor the Crowder's in the CHOC Walk

Support a Great Cause which is the Children's Hospital of Orange County. Anna, Johnny and myself have decided to participate in the upcoming 2007 CHOC/Disneyland Resort Walk in the Park to help raise money for Children's Hospital of Orange County.

We are participating in the 17th Annual CHOC/Disneyland Resort Walk in the Park, and we need your help. As a walker, we are trying to raise as much money as we can to help the children of CHOC. Children's Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) is a very special place where any child can receive the medical attention they need, regardless of their ability to pay. Last year, the CHOC Walk raised over $1 Million to help pay for this medical care and this year our goal is to raise even more! This is a unique opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the 150,000 children who visit CHOC each year. Any support you can offer is greatly appreciated.
Please click on the link to donate to this cause (donations need to be received before the 20th of October.)https://www.chocforms.org/chocwalk/2007/sponsor.cfm?DA=sponsorForm&ID=43530

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